
Our research focus is on the application and development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as deep neural networks, in the field of communication disorders. We foster new biomedical data acquisition and processing techniques and work on TinyML neural networks. We further develop new datasets together with our clinical collaborators and work on the quantification of health states. As most of our work is clinically motivated, we seek solutions that impact diagnosing, treating, and monitoring patients. Please see also our publications.

Knowledge Domains

Embedded AI and tinyML

We are optimizing AI algorithms to fit on constrained computing devices, such as microcontrollers and Edge TPUs. For example, we use evolutionary algorithms with custom objective functions to propose the best deep neural network architecture for a given environment.

Computer Vision

We are experts in deriving a pixel-wise classification in a given image (semantic segmentation) with a focus but not limited to, biomedical images. We further use object detection and (markerless) tracking algorithms to compute animal or object trajectories. With this, we are able to uncover behavioral phenotypes of animals, cancer phenotypes, or single-cell neural activity patterns. We create custom interfaces to efficiently label and annotate (biomedical) data.

XD biomedical signal analysis

We work on multidimensional (XD) biomedical data, such as audio and accelerometer data (1D), images (2D), videos or z-stacks (3D), as well as time-lapse imaging (4D). We explore new signal analysis and processing techniques to unravel feature importance and interpretation strategies.

Image acquisition techniques

We have experience in designing, building, operating, and evaluating microscopes, such as DMD-based, light-sheet, and two-photon microscopes, as well as custom behavioral rigs and endoscopy systems. We not only combine and create novel hardware components but also provide graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to interact with our tailored systems.

Industry collaborations

Please get directly in touch with us.


We are grateful to receive generous funding from

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
  • Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Bayern (StMWK)
  • Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR)
  • Joachim-Herz-Stiftung
  • Innovationsfonds Lehre
  • KI Campus des Stifterverbands
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