Open projects

If you are interested in a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis project in our lab, please write an email to including your CV and transcripts of records (this allows us to judge your prior knowledge and expertise). 5 and 10 ECTS projects are typically structured in the Biomedical Image Analysis Project [BIMAP] project seminar (only summer term – April to July), we rarely provide individual projects.

Prerequisites: We recommend a strong background in Python programming, Pattern Recognition, Deep Learning (at least familiar with either TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Jax/Flax), and signal/image processing. Relevant courses in your Transcripts of Records have to be at least 2.0 or better. All MSc projects are designed such that they are research-oriented and may yield a scientific publication, i.e. demanding, but fun working at the cutting edge of research. BSc projects will also be close to research and will work on a very specific subproblem, we do not offer any lightweight topics (a.k.a. re-implementation of a paper method or survey studies).

Here are the open projects in the lab that can be tackled (starting in May 2025 or later). We categorize all projects into Signal Processing (Signal), Computer Vision (CV), Deep Learning (DL), Neuroscience (Neuro), and tinyML. Typically, we give out topics ~ 4-6 months before the potential starting date, as we are planning our capacities in the long run.

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